Let’s Heal Your Relationship With Food

Hi, I’m Sammi!  I’m a registered dietitian and certified intuitive eating counselor. I want to help you create a healthy relationship with food and set your little ones up for a healthy relationship with it too.

I believe

All goods can fit & food should be easy

We have to eat every single day, multiple times per day.

Food shouldn’t be something you stress over.

You don’t have to keep obsessing over what to eat or be afraid of passing on unwanted dieting behaviors to your kids. There’s a better way.

Join The Food Freedom Course

Say goodbye to diet culture and hello to a balanced, enjoyable eating experience for both kids and adults. Our “Food Freedom for the Whole Family” course offers practical strategies and tools to support intuitive eating, reduce mealtime stress, and promote a positive approach to nutrition. Create a healthy, happy food environment for your entire family today!

I struggle big time with the cycle of restriction, bingeing, feeling guilty, and restricting again. With your help, I’m FINALLY breaking it!


Meet Sammi

I’m passionate about helping you create a healthy relationship with food because I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to struggle with food and constantly obsess over what you eat. In my teens and early 20s, I tried it all – calorie counting, fad diets, etc. – and still felt uncomfortable in my body and with what I was eating. Once I allowed all foods, I created a healthier relationship with food and finally stopped obsessing.

Now, as a registered dietitian nutritionist and certified intuitive eating counselor, I aim to help everyone lose the guilt around food and instead find joy in it. Since becoming a dietitian and earning my Master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from NYU, I’ve helped thousands of people find food freedom through nutrition counseling and my program. I’d love to help you do the same.

I’ve always been scared that intuitive eating would just make me gain weight, but your program just makes sense. I wish I had this sooner.

~ Nicole

As seen in

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Food is Meant to be Enjoyed!

Dieting comes with different food rules and restrictions. Sometimes it can be so subtle and ingrained that you may not even notice it. But food is meant to be enjoyed, not obsessed over. And food is so much more simple and enjoyable when you’re not counting calories, micromanaging what you eat, or unnecessarily avoiding foods you love.