If you’re anything like me, you absolutely love getting to know and learn about people. And even if you’re not… I thought I’d take the time to share a little more about me anyway, and there’s no better place to do it than a blog.
So let’s get started! These are some of the most frequent questions I get asked on a daily basis… and some others that I find equally as important.
Why did you decide to go into nutrition?
Definitely the most common question I get asked, and a good one. Long story short, my pre-teen and teenage years were during the time when thin was in. My high school friends and I (whom I still love dearly) struggled with wanting to be thin, and consequently not eating enough. We wore bracelets that said “think thin.” It was not healthy.
Flash forward a few years later to college – I kept up the same eating habits, but all the sudden gained 27 pounds in one semester. It was essentially the freshman fifteen twice, and a lot for my short 5″3 frame. I tried dieting and restricting what I ate. Nothing worked.
Eventually, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and started on Synthroid. While this halted the weight gain, I still couldn’t lose those extra pounds – even with every diet trick I tried. It wasn’t until I met with a dietitian for the first time that May that the light bulb went off for me. I learned how important it is to eat enough to be healthy and/or lose weight. Since then, I’ve been incredibly passionate about teaching others the importance of eating enough, ignoring food rules and restrictions, and allowing ALL foods to fit into a healthy lifestyle.
High school: the years of fake tans and birthday crowns.
What are your favorite foods?
Hands down, chocolate chip cookies and roasted Brussels sprouts.
Least favorite foods?
Corn, spaghetti and ham. No thank you!
Nicole is probably my best friend because she likes dessert as much as I do.
Speaking of food, 5 foods that are always in my kitchen are…
Bananas, two kinds of nut butter (usually peanut and almond), almond milk, whole wheat bread and coffee.
Biggest guilty pleasure?
Following celebrity news! I know it all – ask me anything. It’s borderline embarrassing.
Favorite exercise?
Running and hiking. I’d hike every day if I could, but live in NYC where my surroundings are pretty much the exact opposite of the mountains… so I run. I also love trying new workouts at least once – if you hear about a new amazing workout class, call me.
Overly happy to be outside in the mountains. Most likely with Instagram open on my phone.
Morning or night person?
Morning! I hop out of bed at 5am, but literally can barely do a thing past 8 at night.
Favorite activity?
Going on walks – but not for exercise (an important clarification). My best friends know if they want to hang out with me, it’ll usually be on a walk (and, not so coincidentally, most of my close friends love going on walks as much as I do). There’s nothing better than being outside, getting fresh air, and being able to chat and catch up uninterrupted with those you love.
My mom and I during The Great Saunter last May – a casual 32 mile walk around the perimeter of Manhattan.
Clearly the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Most people would be surprised to know that…
I have an irrational fear of fish. I love the beach, but you’ll rarely catch me going in the ocean.
What’s your nutrition philosophy in 3 words?
Veggies and chocolate (duh).
What else do you want to know? Tell me your answers to some of these questions too! Trust me, it’s kinda fun.
Can’t wait to hear from you!
xoxo, Sammi