Look, I know it can be hard. But the absolute last thing I want is for you to not enjoy your summer because of your body. Let’s change that.
The concept of loving your body every day is a tough one. I’m gonna let you in on a little secret though: no oneloves their body every single day. But, you can respect it. Every day.
Respecting your body means appreciating it for everything it does. It means not picking apart your flaws or saying mean things to yourself. Doing these things helps you to feel more comfortable in your body – which is something we all deserve.
There’s something about summer that can totally trigger that body respect though. Maybe it’s the bathing suits, shorts, tank tops that show your body in a way it’s just not shown during colder months, and it can really challenge any body love or respect.
But it doesn’t have to. How shitty is it to let thoughts about your body interfere with enjoying your summer?! Let this summer be the one where it doesn’t. Where you’re able to get dressed, flaunt what ya got and just enjoy your dang summer.
Here are some ways to do it:
1. Ditch the idea that you need to create a summer body – your body is already a summer body.
Here’s another little secret: you don’t have to change your body to make it bathing suit or summer ready. Really, you don’t!
Your body is perfect as is. Your unique body makes you you. And keep this in mind: any bathing suit ads or Instagram photos that you might’ve seen that you made feel otherwise were probably heavily posed and filtered. Most people have rolls on their body. Most people have cellulite. And stretch marks. And these are notflaws that need to be changed.
We all look different and there’s no such thing as a “perfect” body. Please don’t let photoshopped images tell you otherwise.
Instead, know that your body is amazing just the way it is. Think about everything that your body does for you: it lets you walk from place to place. Swim at the beach. Relax when you need to rest. Rather than picking it apart and trying to change, try to appreciate it for everything it does – the way it is right now.
2. Buy clothes that fit you. Instead of trying to fit in the clothes, let the clothes fit you.
Think about the last time you wore something that really fit you well and flattered your body. You probably felt great in it. You probably were comfortable in it! It’s such a good feeling.
Here’s the thing: most clothes should feel that way. We are not supposed to shrink ourselves and suck in our bellies and walk around barely able to move in order to fit into clothing. The clothing is supposed to fit us. And in order for this to happen, all you have to do is buy clothing in the size that fits you well.
Keep these concepts in mind – sizes are totally ambiguous. They literally mean nothing. You could be a size 4 in one brand and a size 8 in another. You could wear a size 30 jeans and size 28 jeans in the same brand! Sizing is so random and truly means nothing.
Plus, no one knows your clothing size. And honestly, no one cares (no offense here). I guarantee you, none of your friends love you because of the size of your clothes. I mean, think about the reason that you like your friends, it’s definitely not because of the size of their clothes, right? (…I hope not).
So consider why you might be holding on to certain size numbers or clothing that doesn’t fit and try to let go of that. Because, when you put on clothes that fit you well – no matter what the size – you will feel so much better and more comfortable, both physically and mentally, in your body.
3. Discover joyful movement. Nothing makes you feel more powerful or proud of yourself.
A really quick way to respect and appreciate your body is to move it. Seriously, nothing shows you how powerful and strong you are like moving your body.
But there’s a kicker: it has to be in a way that you enjoy. You do not need to work out excessively, burn a crazy amount of calories or be dripping in sweat in order to call something “exercise.” Instead, focus on finding a way of movement that you enjoy.
It can be a walk. It can be a run. It can be jumping rope, Pilates, walking your dog or even just dancing to your favorite music. Whatever it is – make sure it’s something that you really love and have fun doing. That’s the best type of exercise there is.
And, once you’re done, not only do you get those amazing post-movement endorphins but, I can guarantee, that you’ll also feel really proud of yourself too. There’s something about movement – and not doing it for the sake of changing your body – that just makes you feel good about yourself after.
It lets you really appreciate and respect your body, which is exactly the goal.
What I love about these 3 things is that, hopefully, you find them relatively easy to start doing today. Right now, you can stop picking apart your body. You can find something in your closet (or order a little something online if you’re feeling up for it!) that fits you. And you can make a plan to move in a way that feels good.
Slowly but surely, you’ll start to just feel more comfortable in your body. And when you do find yourself picking your body apart or trying to squeeze into clothes that don’t serve you anymore, come back to these tips. It might be a work in progress, but, once you pay attention to these things and focus on respecting your body instead of trying to love it every day, you’ll feel so much more comfortable and confident. And that feeling is definitely something you’ll want to hold on to.
And, keep in mind too, that a healthy relationship with food helps a lot too. When you’re comfortable with what you eat and not judging or overanalyzing all of food choices, it also helps you to be more comfortable with yourself, too.
While that’s a whoooole topic in itself, for more tips on creating a healthy relationship with food, check out this blog, this post and this post to start.
And be on the lookout! If these tips resonated or if you feel like you could use a little bit more, I’ve got a 4 week challenge coming soon to get you in that confident, up for anything this summer mindset.
Want more tips on creating an easy, sustainable healthy relationship with food? Check out my membership program, All Foods Fit, with 12 thorough lessons to teach easy ways to create a healthy relationship with food. Or, check out my e-book, 7 Days to Make All Foods Fit, to learn a step by step guide to create a healthier relationship with food in just 7 days.